David East David East - "Special Decorating Iss" 42” X 36” X 36”, ceramic, MDF, 2010 David East - "Good Thing, Cedar, and Gingham" 36” X 48” X .25” (overall), manipulated commercial tile, ceramic 2010 David East - "David Esat, "Black Spring Tulip"" 57” X 21” X 21”, ceramic, MDF, 2010 David East - "Rosette Generation, (installation of:)" 8” X 96” X 108”, slip cast ceramics, carpeting, DVD animation, 2010, photo: Ken Yanoviak David East - "Crown, (Crown I, Crown II, Crown III)" 24”x84”x12”, laser cut plywood, Google search photo, vellum, vinyl, photo: Ken Yanoviak David East - "Plinth and Mantle (installation view)" ceramic, 2009, (made at the EKWC) David East - "Cut Torus" 32” X 32” X 12” (larger element), ceramic, 2009, (made at the EKWC), photo: Dan David East - "Damask" 64” X 44” X 24” overall, ceramic, wallpaper, 2009 David East - "tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, tree, bush, tree (huisje, boompje, beestje)" ceramic, steel,photo:D.Meyers David East - "Living, (installation of:)" 90” X 192” X 72” overall, ceramic, MDF, paint, manipulated commercial tile, 2010 website contact