This site, its components and its design belong to Artaxis Organization Inc. The images of artists and their works, however, remain the property of the individual artists, who allow Artaxis to display the images on, as well as the organization’s social media accounts and other promotional materials.
Artaxis Organization Inc. understands that artists who have their work photographed by someone else typically purchase the entire copyright of those photographs. However, Artaxis is not responsible for ensuring that the person who submitted an image to this site is the image’s rightful owner.
If you believe an image on is being displayed in violation of a copyright, please e-mail us at
One of the goals of Artaxis Organization Inc is to promote discussion, interaction and collaboration. Therefore, Artaxis permits fair use of the images on this site. Fair use can include using the images for noncommercial, educational purposes. Any use beyond fair use is prohibited.
Artaxis Organization Inc is not responsible for the content of messages or links posted in the News section of this website.