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Galina Dulkina

Artist Statement

Faces turn into subjects, the latter get back to recognizable silhouettes and end up as rhythmical structures. Different facets provide shapes with dynamics. Plastic development evolves right in front of your eyes. My porcelain sculptures constitute a mix of figurative plastic and vagueness.

-- Galina Dulkina


1999-2004 Ceramics Department at Moscow State University Design and Applied Arts named after S. G. Stroganov.

2004 Graduate Ceramics Department at Moscow State University Design and Applied Arts named after S. G. Stroganov.

2005 Practice at the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Since 2005 Working as a porcelain artist (sculptor) in her own studios in Moscow, Russia (2005-2017) and in Riga, Latvia (2016-2017).

Member of Union of Russian Artists.

Member of Creative Union of Russian Artists.

Creative Union of Russian Artists gold medal

Lives and works in Latvia and in Russia.