Jenni Brant

Artist Statement

I bring beauty into existence by creating functional ceramic objects. Pots are on an intimate scale and are utilitarian in nature; they come into direct contact with our bodies and our senses, and occupy our domestic spaces. The forms, surfaces, color and craftsmanship in my work all serve to illustrate and communicate beauty as I define it.

Vessels with specific utilitarian functions ritualize the significance of family traditions. For most of the year, the pieces are objects that serve as symbols of important events to come and reminders of times spent with loved ones in the past. The work is admired and appreciated while on display in the china hutch; anxiously waiting to be handled, continuously reminding us of special times.

My work stirs desire and exudes an air of female sexuality. Eyes trace voluptuous curves and sensual crevices that long to be embraced by our hands and caressed by our fingers. Small feet and thinly refined edges seem precarious and fragile; warning us to handle everything with care. Symmetrical forms calm our fears, grounding us in balance and repetition. Ornamented with pearls and lace, the work is formal while also suggestive; scantily dressed in smooth, luscious, and transparent surfaces. While fresh and contemporary, they are comfortable in their reference to pots of ancient Persia and Sung dynasty China wrapped in Victorian era textiles. Although the obsessive hand of the maker is not overtly apparent in the forms I create, the eye and spirit is, bringing to life and presenting to the world all that I deem beautiful.

-- Jenni Brant