Artist Statement
Deriving the vessel is influenced by the calculus equation used to find the area under a curve - to cut up a curve in order to account for the whole. The slices reveal more information, showing what was always there but not naturally seen.
The balance of negative and positive space created through slicing vessels is the base of my work. I innovate, experiment, and derive these thrown vessels. I want to make something new of what the vessel has to offer, taking something utilitarian into the sculptural. I am creating shape and blurring the lines of the interior and exterior of vessels.
Rebekah Sweda is a contemporary ceramicist in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She works to reveal images that come from two dimensional planes intersecting with three dimensional space through vessels. Using the vessel as a base, the interior and exterior merge with a slice to create sculpture. She received a dual degree in Chemistry and Art from Calvin University and went on to receive an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art.