Robert Bucek

Artist Statement

"A Story" in the broad sense of the word is the point in Robert Buček ´s work. The story may be experienced, seen, literary or mythical. Sometimes there is a feeling of a given situation and that feeling evokes another, inner feelings consequently. Through the materialization of those feelings Robert Buček contemplates their contents and then either identifies with them or takes a stand on the issue.

-- Robert Buček


Robert Buček, born: 7.12.1979; address: Na Hradbách 661,Staré Město, 686 03,Czech Republic; Education 1996–2000 Secondary School of Fine Arts-ceramics and stone; 2001–2007 Department of Sculpturing, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Ostrava, prof. Kotrba; 2009-2012 Doctoral studies at Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, Poland Pedagogical activities; Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Sculpturing, Faculty of Fine Arts, of Ostrava, since 2007 to 2012; Since 2015, Head of the Department of ceramic, Palackého University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.