Taylor Mezo

Artist Statement

My ceramic work is the outcome of both a mental and physical process. Vessels are made from earthenware slabs, paddled slightly and connected at the edges to make plump forms. These forms are derived from objects of interest that I encounter throughout my life, serving as a visual journal.  Retro fashion, flora and fauna, Lisa Frank, classic cars, drag performers, mid-century modern furniture, and even cartoons from the 90s. I break objects like these down to their essential lines and shapes, then build them back up into functional pots, so that the pot contains the essence of its origin but still serves a practical purpose. As a ceramic artist, I strive to transcend the binary of functional pottery and sculpture, by creating work that blends the two. It is important to me to maintain a sense of fluidity in my work. I am constantly playing with the challenges of function, while preserving a childlike sense of vibrancy.


Taylor Mezo (she/they) is a ceramic artist from Illinois, currently living in Pittsburgh PA.  She works primarily in sculptural and functional ware, using red earthenware to create vessels utilizing a mixture of wheelthrowing and handbuilding techniques. In December 2019, she graduated with her Bachelors in Fine Arts from Governors State University. Recently Taylor has participated in short term residencies at Penland School of Craft and Peter’s Valley School of Craft.

Taylor Recently completed a long term residency at the Pittsburgh Center for Arts and Media.